(Un) Failure Talks

(Un)Failure Talks
We all know that everyone’s life is full of failures and we learn only when we fail. No one is successful in one attempt , but still “F” word is a big taboo in our society. Why can't we celebrate FAILURE similar to we celebrate SUCCESS?
Current norm in the schools, colleges, society or corporate or any other platform is to only celebrate success and invite speakers from the successful/achievers/leaders community to inspire more people to follow their path or learn from their experiences.
Why inspiration should come only from only 1 % of the most successful people in the society? Why we fear to share our stories and expression of failures??
Please join Asmakam to celebrate failures. We plan to hold (Un) Failure talks in cities across India as an open mic event format and also collecting videos from remote participants until we reach to their cities. Ideas are welcome.
To participate in failure talks - please click here - http://www.asmakam.org/form/failure-event-registration
Idea is to invite so called failures (failed by system) , listen to them and get inspired by their journey.
We are collaborating with schools, colleges, organizations to host this event to show their confidence in youths and teens who are frustrated by the system and appreciate their efforts.
How can you help? spreading the words, volunteer, sponsor, mentor, referring candidates, become partner and hosting the event at local levels, actively participate in planning and executing the event.
We are also looking for a 30 sec- 1 min video clip from you on why you think that this is the need of the hour and how this talk show can create positive impact on the society.
Please fill up the form below to help us understand better about role you wish to play for this cause.